Tuesday 2 February 2010

iron speed: upload a file to file system and save the location in database...[phase one]

The image below show the page I am working in. When the save button is clicked the system stores what is in the url and id field. When the try1 button is clicked, the file in inputfile is stored in the DB. My approach as I have told you before is try to save the location in the db so that later on that location will be retrieved. As I ran through the codebehind class I saw that it creates customized function for onclick event for try1. The code snippet is given bellow, As you can see variable saveLocation stores the file in the virtual directory named ‘data’. So if I rephrase my problem statement then it would become like this, “I want the file to be stored in saveLocation and the value of id and savelocation should be stored in the database. so what i did is, i copied all the content of the codebehind separate file generate a new codebehind for the page.

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